Pro-Tip: Plumbing Tips for Winter Travel
Over the river and through the woods. You’re headed to your Florida paradise for Christmas this year. While sunny skies are in your future, it’s still December in Ohio and your home isn’t headed to Florida with you (unless you live in an RV). So, if you don’t want to come home in January (or March for you snowbirds) and file insurance claims, we recommend following a few of these residential plumbing tips to winterize your home.
Be proactive in the winter
Whether you are leaving for a few weeks or a few months, it is important to make sure that your home is ready for some time on its own in the cold. The freezing weather that we are so accustomed to here in Ohio can be very hard on a plumbing system that is idle.
Power Down
One simple way to protect your pipes from bursting while you are away for an extended period, is to turn off your water supply and drain the water from your pipes before you leave. After doing this you may want to put anti-freeze down your drains to remove any fear of freezing. Also, if you live in an older home consult a professional to see if you can turn off the water or if it is safe to before doing so.
Drain Your Water Heater
For extended stays it is important to drain your water heater for safety in the winter. This can be done in several ways. If your water heater is powered by gas you can switch the shut off valve on your gas pipe that leads to the water heater. If it is powered by electricity, it can be powered off at the circuit breaker located in your home.
Schedule Routine Check-ups
As a home owner it is important to always be routinely checking parts of your home to make sure everything is operating properly. Scheduling routine checkups throughout the year and specifically before you leave for a trip can help keep your plumbing from having problems and make your life a whole lot easier.
Set the temperature
When you are leaving town one quick way to keep your plumbing safe is to set the house temperature no lower than 55 degrees, this will help prevent bursting pipes and other plumbing problems.
If something does go wrong while you are on vacation or maybe you would like a plumber to come out for a routine checkup before you leave, give the expert plumbers at Superior Drain a call. Request an appointment today for all your residential plumbing needs.
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